Naziya Parveen

I am a


I have recently completed my graduation from Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science(SGSITS) Indore, India. Since joining the undergrad program, I have greatly enhanced my programming skills by taking a course on Data Structures and Algorithms, and also by building some amazing projects. I have also worked on diversifying my knowledge and skill set by developing projects on Data Science and Machine Learning.


C++ 90%
JAVA 70%
Python 75%
Golang 50%
C 80%
SQL 75%
Django 75%



Naziya Parveen

Innovative and deadline-driven Software Developer with experience in designing and developing user-centered applications for making life easier.

  • Pune, Maharashtra, India


Bachelor of Engineering & Computer Science

2016 - 2020

Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore

Undergraduate Coursework: Data Structures; Algorithms; Operating Systems; Databases; Programming Languages; Computer Architecture; Theory of Computation; Compiler Design; Information Security.

Professional Experience

Full Stack Developer, Intern

Dec'2019 - Feb'2020

Nuclei, Bengaluru

  • Implemented local and distributed cache using Caffeine and Redis.
  • Capturing KPI metrics in a dashboard built using ELK techkStack. Created various graph visualizations for incoming data in Kibana.
  • Leveraged knowledge: Java, Spring Boot, Git, ELK techstack, Fluentd.

Software Developer, Intern

May'2019 - Jun'2019

Tapfame, Indore

  • Worked on development of a web based application named Bookmarklet, which bookmarks website.
  • Worked on Google script for retrieval of all email ids from Gmail.
  • Leveraged knowledge: Python, Django, Rest API, Web Scrapping, Bootstrap.


Air Quality Index Prediction

It is a Machine Learning model which predicts the future Air Quality Index (AQI) of a given region. The model is trained on AQI data of previous years, for any given region. Six Machine Learning Algorithms are used for optimal forecasting.

Visualization of restaurants

This project helps customer in finding restaurants based on the popularity of food served. Data is extracted from Zomato website using web scraping. Libraries like matplotlib and selenium is used for data visualization. Folium library is used for plotting restaurants on the map.


This is a desktop based software application which works as a moodle, having some additional functionalities like update/display time table, test details etc. It is built on Java(JSP, Servlet) along with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap which is used for frontend. MySql is used as a databse for storing information.

Youtube Search

This project helps in searching youtube video using youtube api key. Latest search result is stored in database such that next time you search for the same query, data is fetched from the database. Frontend is made using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Sqlite is used as database.